Summer School II

Philosophy in Biology and Medicine

— This event had to be canceled due to the global COVID-19 outbreak —


From May 25th-29th 2020 PhilInBioMed and the ERC IDEM project organize the interdisciplinary summer school Philosophy in Biology and Medicine. 20 young scholars (PhD students and Postdocs) from the fields of philosophy of science, the life sciences, and medicine will come together and learn to use interdisciplinary methods to address conceptual issues in scientific research.

Course leaders will be there to present practical examples of interdisciplinary partnerships from their career, and to advise and interact with participants throughout the week. The program will also include different formats like group work, ‘speed dating’, and individual discussions, designed to further interactions between participants and between participants and course leaders.

This summer school is held at the Village de vacances Les Bruyères in Carcans, France. The idyllic location between the sea and the Lac d’Hourtin allows for a relaxed yet focused work environment.

This is a unique opportunity for young researchers to develop new interdisciplinary approaches that will benefit the participants throughout their career. Participants will not only learn about specific concepts and scientific advances, they will also learn to take a new look at their own subject of research.

Course Leaders

Carl Craver (Professor of Philosophy of Neuroscience at the Washington University, St. Louis, USA)

Paul Griffiths (Professor of Philosophy, Charles Perkins Center, University of Sydney, Australia)

Lucie Laplane (IHPST & Gustave Roussy, France)

Maël Lemoine (ImmunoConcept, CNRS & University of Bordeaux, France)

Kate MacCord (Program Administrator and McDonnell Foundation Fellow, MBL, USA)

Thomas Pradeu (PI of the ERC IDEM project, ImmunoConcept, CNRS & University of Bordeaux, France)

Forest Rohwer (Professor of Biology, San Diego State University, USA)

Günter Wagner (Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, USA)

Application and Registration Fee

Who can apply: PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from the the fields of philosophy of science, the life sciences, and medicine.

How to apply: The application must include:

  • a short CV (2 pages maximum);
  • an abstract (1,500 words maximum) of their research project, detailing the project’s connection to both philosophy and the biological and/or medical sciences

Participants should send all documents in one email to:


Deadline: Applications are now closed

Notifications: 9th of March 2020

Registration fee: €300

Grants: Qualified individuals can be exempted from the fee and in some cases the organizers can grant financial support for travel, provided that no other means of funding exist. To apply for an exemption or financial support, participants should send a letter of motivation along with their application, detailing why they would like to participate and why they would like to be exempted from the fee or obtain financial support.

Scientific Committee

Lucie Laplane (IHPST & Gustave Roussy, France)
Maël Lemoine (ImmunoConcept, CNRS & University of Bordeaux, France)
Kate MacCord (Program Administrator and McDonnell Foundation Fellow, MBL, USA)
Thomas Pradeu (PI of the ERC IDEM project, ImmunoConcept, CNRS & University of Bordeaux, France)


Village de vacances ‘Les Bruyères’,

33121 Carcans-Maubuisson
