Gregor Greslehner

Gregor Greslehner

Who am I ?

I am a postdoctoral fellow in Thomas Pradeu’s group and ERC project “Immunity, Development and the Microbiota (IDEM): Understanding the Continuous Construction of Biological Identity”. Before coming to Bordeaux, I obtained a PhD in philosophy (supervisors: Charlotte Werndl & Simon Huttegger) and a MSc in molecular biology (supervisor: Michael Breitenbach), both from the University of Salzburg, and spent the academic year 2016/17 as a visiting scholar at the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of California, Irvine.

What is my research project ?

My research is focused on the relationship between structure and function, from proteins to higher levels of organization. In my research project, I aim at explicating different notions of structure and function and the roles these notions play in scientific explanations for biological phenomena in immunology and host-microbiome interactions. I am investigating the structural diversity of molecular patterns and regulatory motifs and how they can be used to explain different functional features of biological systems with conceptual approaches close to scientific practice.
In addition, I am very interested in philosophy of aging and cancer, systems biology, synthetic biology, protein science, game theory, and the history of molecular biology.

Email me here

Follow me on twitter @GGreslehner.